The tomato binge seems to have subdued

john | Aug. 19, 2021, 11:05 p.m.

Although I was frantically gorging myself on some tomatoes the other day and or days. I think that has stopped.  Although I can't actually say for sure.  It's been a bit of an experience.

First, they tasted horrible as a child.  Then at some point after being forced to eat a hamburger, they tasted okay.

Then one day, out of no where, boom.  Addicted.

It wasn't expected either.  I mean who the heck even knows that tomato is a fruit.  Worse off, who eats one like an apple.  This discovery, although not new to me, does lead to pondering of what other fruits I've avoided.

But probably, none as delicious as a tomato.

I guess there must be different types of tomatoes.  They aren't like the bananas.  Those cursedly delicious things.

Granted, my tomato basket is also empty.

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