john | Nov. 19, 2021, 3:40 p.m.
Today is trip time. Going out with a few friends for a week. This should be fun. Bringing the dog of course. He has no option, I mean I guess he does. That's irrelevant though, since his choice is to come with me.
I think he took that choice willing. Although my dog translator app isn't working well. I'm still stuck on the freaking dumb website I started migrating earlier. I have 9 more after this one is done. And believe me when I say it's almost done. The whole damn thing works. Is live, but the API.
Curse you API.
It's not even hard to do, I think I should hopefully finish it today. So I can finally move slowly and surely to the others. I realized that one of the biggest one, that isn't migrated at the moment, doesn't actually process payments.
Other than that I think I'm doing alright, been working out and running. It's been hard some days to just motivate to go for a run. It's funny when I was in my mid twenties it was not the hardest thing to convince myself to go for a run. Recently though, it's been rough.
The past couple weeks have been extremely hard to motivate to do it though. Regardless, I was able to actually manage to squeeze in the runs. I think it has to do with how out of running shape I was.
My body knew, it was just going to be a horrible experience. Thankfully yesterday I finally broke the 4km barrier. Made it 28 minutes. Considering the most I've been able to run the past few weeks was max 18 minutes.
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