How I pruned my newsletter

john | Oct. 15, 2024, 3:02 p.m. Programming

Lately I thought it suspect that I had such a large number of subs and not that many visitors relative on newsletter day.

So I decided to a bit of inspection.  First off, when I made this blog in haste years ago, I didn't put in a email validation.  So that was the first thing that had to be done.

Next, decided do an open rate on the list.  That turned out to be telling.  So, all the emails that didn't open, sent them an email after a few days saying, hey you've been removed.

Now my list is tidy, not that it matters, just hated seeing so many emails go out, something wasn't right. Also I had about 40 emails that all seemed suspected also because they where these random strings and my domain all ending in  But that's a parked page.  So even though those opened, off they went.

I'd rather in the end have a few people who read, than thousands of bots who don't.  Then again, maybe this was written for the bots.  We'll never know.

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