February 17th, 2025

john | Feb. 17, 2025, 3:28 p.m. Uncategorized

February is by far the hardest month for me to spell.  I guess its either a thing of time, or stress, or just nervousness, but my dyslexia flares up.  I start randomly seeing things in different order, or switching the numbers up.

Probably why I randomly see the world in a way that makes sense to no one else but me.  Random neurological synapse just wired to display it backwards, or what ever coordinate you want to give it.

I'm writing to ease myself of a feeling, one that I know is going to come and go.  No real solution to it, since it's not really up to me.  It never has been, like my arbitrary dyslexia one can only be as good as they are.  Despite my best efforts to further and mature and consider the situation.  There are some that are just in fact futile.

Take for example those men trying to prove the earth is flat, then mid experiment watch as they realize it's round.  They try and walk through some insane leaps to double think their way.

I guess I never understood them till of course you have this emotional attachment to the outcome of something.  Then what, then you try and find ways or reasons to justify the fact that you may be very wrong.  But you had to go through the motions.  Had to just know, or maybe hope its done.  So you can move on I guess

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